Sunday, November 16, 2008

NEW new website!

Okay, my new website is finally up and it's:

Thanks to my good friend Julie Oya for designing it for me!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New website

Well, the time had finally come to update my website, and since I'm reinventing myself, I decided on a whole new domain name as well as a new look. My site will no longer be, but However, it's not quite ready, my webmistress is hoping to have it up and running by the end of October. Until then, here are a couple of new designs!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hi Everybody,

I've started this blog so I can keep people updated on my new work and projects. This new work, which isn't on my website yet, is made of blackened mild steel, inlaid with silver and 24K gold. It's a technique which was developed for decorating ceremonial arms and armour, and I though it would be a unique art form for contemporary craft. I learned this process several years ago at a workshop in Mendocino, California, but it wasn't until last year that I finally had time to practice and perfect it, and adapt it to my work.

The Damascene work is available in Vancouver at Crafthouse Gallery on Granville Island, and Jewellerbau, a new art and jewellery gallery on Main Street, between Kingsway and Broadway ( Hopefully soon I will have gallery representation at home on Salt Spring Island as well.

Here are some of my latest pieces:

My masterpiece! Mild steel bowl with inlaid 24K gold. Here's what the inside looks like:

And some cuffs and belt buckles: